Differentiable Manifold

Last Update:May 18, 2024 am

Basic Concepts of Manifolds

Topological Manifold


Definition. An $n$-dimensional topological manifold is a Hausdorff topological space which is locally homeomorphic to an $n$-dimensional Euclidean space.

The statement “locally locally homeomorphic to an $n$-dimensional Euclidean space” means that given any point $p$ in the topological space $M$, there exists a neighborhood of $p$, $N(p)$, such that $N(p)$ is locally homeomorphic to the Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^n$.

Coordinate Chart

Definition. If $U_\alpha$ is an open ser in $\mathbb{R}^n$,

is a homeomorphism and contains $p$, then the two-tuple is said to be a coordinate chart of $M$ at the point $p$.

Given a coordinate chart, is often called the local coordinate mappingat thr point $p$. The image of the point $p$ under , namely is called the local coordinate of $p$. Coordinate charts can transform the local part of a topological manifold into the coordinates in the familiar $\mathbb{R}^n$ , so they are sometimes called parameterization.

Topological manifold $M$ has at least one coordinate card at any point $p$. In fact, let be a homeomorphism from to . According to the definition of neighborhood, there is an open set in $M$ such that . Therefore, if is limited to and , then

is also a homeomorphism. Hence, $(U,\mathbf{x})$ is a coordinate chart at the point $p$.


Definition. If is a set of coordinate charts of $M$abd is a cover of $M$, then is said to be an atlas of $M$.

The topological manifold $M$ can be regarded as a topological space obtained by gluing together many open subsets $U_\alpha (\alpha \in A)$ of Euclidean spaces.

Given an atlas $\Sigma$ of the topological manifold $M$, where , some regions covered by coordinate charts in the atlas may overlap. In other words, some points in $M$ may be covered by multiple coordinate charts. Suppose the regions covered by and overlap, that is,

we can define the transition function


Because the composition of homeomorphisms is still a homeomorphism, the two transition functions mentioned above are both homeomorphisms. It has been mentioned earlier that a point $p$ in $M$ may be covered by multiple coordinate charts, meaning that point $p$ may have multiple local coordinates. With the help of transition functions, we can switch between the multiple local coordinates of point $p$.

Differential Manifold

Motivation: Define Differentiable Functions

A topological manifold is a type of topological space that locally “resembles” Euclidean space. Here, “resembles” refers to having a consistent topological structure. For topological manifolds, we have a Euclidean topology locally, which allows us to use techniques developed for Euclidean topologies to handle topological manifolds. However, Euclidean spaces also possess structures more refined than just topology; for example, we can define differentiable functions and compute derivatives in Euclidean spaces. If a topological manifold locally inherits this more refined structure, similarly, we can define differentiable functions and compute derivatives on the manifold. Next, we will provide a formal definition of this more refined structure.

Suppose $M$ is an $n$-dimensional topological manifold, and is an atlas of $M$. Our goal is to define differentiable functions $f:M\to \mathbb{R}^m$ correctly on the topological manifold. A natural idea is to use the local coordinate chart to pull back the domain from a subset of $M$ to . Specifically, we can propose that the function $f:M\to \mathbb{R}^m$ is differentiable at point $p$ if and only if for any coordinate chart covering point $p$, the composed function

is differentiable at the point $\mathbf{x}^{-1}_\alpha(p)$.

Compatible Atlas

While this definition is theoretically sound, it can be cumbersome in practice. To prove the differentiability of $f$ at point $p$, we would need to verify it for all coordinate charts covering point $p$. However, if we consider so-called compatible atlases, the situation simplifies significantly. In this case, we only need to verify it for one coordinate chart covering point $p$.

Two coordinate charts are termed compatible if

If any two coordinate charts in an atlas are compatible, then the atlas is termed compatible. Let be two coordinate charts covering point . Notably,

we have that is differentiable if and only if is differentiable. Consequently, if the given atlas is compatible, we can define differentiable functions as follows: the function $f:M\to \mathbb{R}^m$ is differentiable at point $p$ if and only if there exists a coordinate chart covering point $p$, such that the composed function

is differentiable at point $\mathbf{x}^{-1}_\alpha(p)$.

Differential Structure and Differential Manifold

Compatible atlases can be maximized. Let be a compatible atlas of the topological manifold . Then,

is termed the maximalization atlas of . A maximalization compatible atlas on the topological manifold is termed a differential structure of . Equipped with a differential structure, a topological manifold is called a differential manifold, denoted as the triple . If not specifically stated otherwise, when discussing coordinate charts of a differential manifold in the future, it is always assumed that these coordinate charts are from the atlas inherent to the differential manifold.

If we replace “smooth” with $C^r$ differentiable or “smooth” throughout, we can similarly define $C^r$ compatible atlases, smooth compatible atlases, $C^r$ differential structures, smooth structures, $C^r$ differential manifolds, and smooth manifolds. In the following discussions, we will mainly focus on smooth manifolds, but the concepts are entirely transferable to differential manifolds and $C^r$ differential manifolds.

Smooth Mapping


One of the motivations for defining smooth (differentiable) manifolds is to define smooth (differentiable) functions. Let be a smooth manifold. A function $f:M\to \mathbb{R}^n$ is smooth at point $p$ if and only if there exists a coordinate chart covering point $p$, such that the composed function

is smooth at point $\mathbf{x}^{-1}_\alpha(p)$.

Furthermore, we can define smooth mappings between smooth manifolds . To define the smoothness of a mapping at point $p$, besides pulling back the domain from a subset of to , we also need to push forward the codomain from to .

A mapping is smooth at point $p$ if there exists a coordinate chart covering point $p$, and a coordinate chart covering point $f(p)$, such that the composed mapping

is smooth at point $\mathbf{x}^{-1}_\alpha(p)$.

Note that

so the smoothness of $f$ at point $p$ implies continuity of $f$ at point $p$.

Also note that

thus the smoothness of at point $p$ does not depend on the choice of coordinate charts.

If the mapping is smooth at every point in an open set $U\subset M_1$, we say $f$ is smooth on $U$. If $f$ is smooth at every point in $M_1$, we say is a smooth mapping.

Now that we have defined smooth mappings, another motivation for defining smooth (differentiable) manifolds is to compute differentials. Following the idea of defining smooth mappings, if we use coordinate charts to convert smooth mappings into smooth functions from to , we find that with different choices of coordinate charts, we obtain different smooth functions and naturally different differentials. A simplest example is a smooth real-valued function . If we choose different coordinate charts at point $p$, differentials of the form as shown below

will inevitably differ. However, these different differentials cannot be entirely unrelated because their differences lie only in the differentials of the transition functions. Similar situations occur in linear algebra. With different choices of bases, a linear transformation induces different transformations from coordinate space to coordinate space . The differences between these transformations lie only in the change of basis. Hence, we can imagine that the true “differential” of a smooth mapping might also be a linear mapping between abstract linear spaces. Only with specific choices of coordinate charts do we obtain linear mappings between Euclidean spaces and . In fact, the so-called “abstract linear spaces” here are precisely what we are about to define as tangent spaces.

Tangent Vector and Tangent Space

The First Definition: Equivalent Class of Curve

Consider an intuitive example, a $2$-dimensional smooth surface in $\mathbb{R}^3$. At any point $p$ on the surface, we can construct a tangent plane, and any vector starting at point $p$ and ending at any point within the tangent plane is a tangent vector. Thus, the tangent plane at point $p$ of the surface can be seen as a linear space $\mathbb{R}^2$ composed of tangent vectors.

For any tangent vector, it can be regarded as the tangent vector of a smooth curve $\gamma$ passing through point $p$ on the surface at point $p$. If the parameterization of the curve $\gamma$ is given by $\gamma(t)=(x(t),y(t),z(t))$, and satisfies $\gamma(t_0)=p$, then its derivative at $p$

is a tangent vector at that point. Suppose there is another curve $\theta$ on the surface passing through point $p$. If $\theta$ and $\gamma$ have the same derivative at point $p$, i.e., $\theta’(t_0)=\gamma’(t_0)$, then these two curves actually correspond to the same tangent vector. Therefore, a tangent vector can also be viewed as an equivalence class of curves, where all curves in the class have the same derivative at point $p$. If we can generalize the concepts of curves and curve derivatives to general smooth manifolds, we can define tangent vectors and tangent spaces for smooth manifolds in the same way.

Given an $n$-dimensional smooth manifold and a point $p$ on it. If a smooth mapping $\gamma:(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\to M$ satisfies $\gamma(0)=p$, then $\gamma$ is termed a smooth curve on $M$ passing through point $p$. If we want to “take derivatives” of curves, we must first parameterize them, i.e., choose a coordinate chart $(U,\mathbf{x})\in\Sigma$ at point $p$, and then take derivatives of the composed function

The result of taking derivatives is $\left.\frac{d(\mathbf{x} \circ \gamma)}{dt}\right|_0$. If the curve $\theta$ and $\gamma$ have the same derivative under a certain coordinate chart $(U_1,\mathbf{x}_1)$ at point $p$, i.e.,

then under any other coordinate chart $(U_2,\mathbf{x}_2)$ at point $p$, the curves $\theta$ and $\gamma$ will also have the same derivative. To prove this, it suffices to note that according to the chain rule,

Therefore, we can define: curves $\theta$ and $\gamma$ are equivalent at point $p$ if and only if there exists a coordinate chart $(U,\mathbf{x})$ at point $p$, such that

Let the equivalence class of the curve $\gamma$ be denoted as $[\gamma]_*$. The quotient set of all curves on $M$ passing through point $p$ under this equivalence relation is the tangent space of $M$ at point $p$, denoted as

The Second Definition: Curve Produces functional

By considering tangent vectors as equivalence classes of curves, we have successfully extended the notion of tangent vectors of smooth surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^n$ to general smooth manifolds. Although this definition of tangent vectors is intuitive, to demonstrate that the tangent space consisting of all tangent vectors is a linear space, we need to define appropriate addition and scalar multiplication operations for equivalence classes of curves. The most straightforward idea is to define the sum of equivalence classes of curves as the equivalence class of the sum of curves. However, by a simple attempt

we can discover that the set of all smooth curves passing through point $p$ on $M$ does not form a linear space under ordinary addition. Therefore, unfortunately, this approach is not feasible. Of course, we can try to define a completely new addition, but this is not very convenient or natural. A better approach may be to reconsider our definition of tangent vectors.

The core of the definition of tangent vectors is the derivative

which is an $n$-dimensional vector in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let

be the projection function in $\mathbb{R}^n$,

be the coordinate function of the smooth manifold $M$ at point $p$ given a coordinate chart $(U,\mathbf{x})$, we have

So, we can expand the derivative as

Let $\mathcal{D}_p(M)$ denote the set of all functions defined on the smooth manifold $M$ that are smooth at point $p$. It is easy to see that $c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_n$ all belong to $\mathcal{D}_p(M)$. For each determined derivative value $\left.\frac{d}{dt}(\mathbf{x}^{-1} \circ \gamma)\right|_0$, we also determine a functional

taking values at $c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_n$. In fact, the values of the functional at $c_1, c_2, \cdots, c_n$ determine its values over the entire $\mathcal{D}_p(M)$. To see this, we just need to pull back and push forward $f$ and $\gamma$ with respect to the coordinate chart $(U,\mathbf{x})$, and apply the chain rule:

Therefore, for any curve $\gamma$ on $M$ passing through point $p$, there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the equivalence class $[\gamma]_*$ and the functional $\left.\frac{d}{dt}(\cdot \circ \gamma)\right|_0$ induced by $\gamma$. Hence, the functional $\left.\frac{d}{dt}(\cdot \circ \gamma)\right|_0$ can be viewed as an alternative definition of a tangent vector.

We can also verify that $v_\gamma=\left.\frac{d}{dt}(\cdot \circ \gamma)\right|_0$ is a linear functional, i.e.,

Let $\mathcal{D}_p(M)^*$ denote the dual space of $\mathcal{D}_p(M)$, i.e., the space of all linear functionals on $\mathcal{D}_p(M)$. Furthermore, we can give the definition of the tangent space accordingly:

Let $(U,\mathbf{x})$ be a coordinate chart at point $p$. A curve

is called the $x_i$-curve associated with the coordinate chart $(U,\mathbf{x})$.

Using the formula above, we can determine the functional derived from the $x_i$-curve

These $n$ vectors

are called the coordinate tangent vectors of the coordinate chart $(U,\mathbf{x})$.

The linear space spanned by the coordinate tangent vectors is denoted as . It is easy to see that any tangent vector in $T_pM$ can be expressed as a linear combination of coordinate tangent vectors

that is,

Therefore, . Conversely, for any linear combination of coordinate tangent vectors , let the curve $\delta$ be

then we have

which implies . Therefore, . Thus, , which proves that $T_pM$ is a linear space.

Furthermore, we can prove that are linearly independent. Let

acts on both sides of the equation on $c_i(1\le i\le n)$ and we get

which proves the linear independence. Thus, we know that, given a coordinate chart $(U,\mathbf{x})$, the derived coordinate tangent vectors are a basis of the linear space $T_pM$, and this basis is called the natural basis of the tangent space $T_pM$ under the coordinate chart $(U,\mathbf{x})$. The dimension of the tangent space $T_pM$ is $n$.

The Third Definition: Sheaf Theory

We can also define tangent vectors and tangent spaces using the language of sheaf theory. Sheaf theory is a more abstract theory, but it applies not only to differential geometry but also to more general geometry.

A presheaf is essentially a contravariant functor. A set presheaf is a contravariant functor $\mathcal{F}: \mathsf{C}^{\mathrm{op}} \to \mathsf{Set}$ from a category $\mathsf{C}$ to the category of sets $\mathsf{Set}$. An abelian group presheaf is a contravariant functor $\mathcal{F}: \mathsf{C}^{\mathrm{op}} \to \mathsf{Ab}$ from a category $\mathsf{C}$ to the category of abelian groups $\mathsf{Ab}$. For any object $X$ in $\mathsf{C}$, an element of $\mathcal{F}(X)$ is called a section of $\mathcal{F}$ over $X$.

When studying a smooth manifold $M$, the category $\mathsf{C}$ we choose consists of the open sets of $M$ as objects and the inclusion maps between these open sets as morphisms. The presheaf we consider is the set of all smooth real-valued functions on an open set $X$, denoted $C^\infty(X; M \to \mathbb{R})$, or simply $C^\infty(X)$ when there is no risk of confusion. $C^\infty(\cdot)$ can be a presheaf of real vector spaces, a presheaf of rings, or a presheaf of commutative real algebras.

Given a point $p$ in $M$, the set of smooth real-valued functions defined on open sets containing the point $p$ is denoted by

The set $\widetilde{\mathcal{C}}_p$ modulo the equivalence relation

is denoted by $C^\infty_p$, and is called the stalk of smooth functions at the point $p$. It is not difficult to verify that the stalk of smooth functions is a commutative real algebra. The equivalence class of a smooth function $\varphi$ is denoted by $[\varphi]_p$ and is called the germ of $\varphi$ at the point $p$.

Since all smooth functions within a germ have exactly the same local properties at point $p$, it is natural to combine them and ignore the distinctions between them. With the concept of function germs, we can first rewrite the second definition. The functional $\left.\frac{d}{dt}(\cdot \circ \gamma)\right|_0$ was previously applied to functions $f$ that are smooth at point $p$ and defined on the entire manifold. However, the behavior of $f$ outside a neighborhood of $p$ is irrelevant and it doesn’t matter if it is undefined. Therefore, we can assume that $f$ is defined in some open neighborhood of $p$, and then let $\left.\frac{d}{dt}(\cdot \circ \gamma)\right|_0$ act directly on the germ of $f$ at $p$, i.e., we define


Then we can give a third definition of tangent vectors in a more axiomatic manner without using curves: a tangent vector of the manifold $M$ at the point $p$ is a linear functional defined on $C^\infty_p$ that satisfies the Leibniz rule. Formally,

Definition. Given a smooth manifold $M$ and a point $p$ on it. If the function $\nu: C^\infty_p \to \mathbb{R}$ satisfies: for any $\lambda_1, \lambda_2 \in \mathbb{R}$, and any $[f]_p, [g]_p \in C^\infty_p$,

  1. Linearity: $\nu\left(\lambda_1 [f]_p + \lambda_2 [g]_p\right) = \lambda_1 \nu([f]_p) + \lambda_2 \nu([g]_p)$,
  2. Leibniz rule: $\nu\left([f]_p [g]_p\right) = [f]_p \, \nu\left([g]_p\right) + \nu([f]_p) [g]_p$,

then $\nu$ is called a tangent vector of the manifold $M$ at the point $p$. The set of all tangent vectors of the manifold $M$ at the point $p$ forms a vector space, denoted by $T_pM$, and is called the tangent space of $M$ at the point $p$.

Tagent Mapping

After defining the tangent space, we can finally define an analogous concept of differentiation for smooth mappings—the tangent map.

Consider a smooth mapping between smooth manifolds and that is smooth at point $p$. Suppose is a curve on passing through point , and its corresponding tangent vector is . By applying $f$ to , we obtain another curve on passing through point , and its corresponding tangent vector is . The mapping that sends the tangent vector to

is called the tangent map, denoted by . To ensure this is a well-defined map, we need to prove that for any two curves and passing through point , if , then

We choose coordinate charts at $p$ and at $f(p)$, with the corresponding coordinate functions and . The natural bases corresponding to these coordinate charts are and , respectively. Note that the expression for in the natural basis is given by

That means the tangent map is well-defined. Moreover, from the above expression, we can see that the tangent map is a linear map.

Note that

We can further write the matrix representation of the tangent map $(df)_p$ in the natural basis:

We find that the matrix representation of the tangent map $(df)_p$ in the natural basis is

which is exactly the Jacobian matrix of the mapping $\mathbf{y}^{-1}\circ f\circ\mathbf{x}$ at $\mathbf{x}^{-1}(p)$.

Cotangent vector and cotangent space

The cotangent space at point $p$ of a manifold is the dual space of the tangent space $T_pM$, denoted as $T_p^*M$. Vectors in the cotangent space are called cotangent vectors.

Suppose we choose a coordinate chart $(U, \mathbf{x})$ at point $p$, and the corresponding natural basis is a basis for the tangent space $T_pM$. The following is a standard construction from linear algebra.

We construct the mapping

We have and

This shows that is the dual basis of in $(T_pM)^*$. Next, we construct the mapping

We have and

This shows that is the dual basis of in $(T_pM)^{**}$. The mapping

is a canonical isomorphism, and

Define the mapping

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